By Jane Barrash – Executive Director, Continuum Center

Since 1979, Continuum Center has been leading the exploration of consciousness, human capacity and the continuity and interconnectedness of life, hosting world class exhibits, curricula, and internationally known figures since 1981 past speakers

Jane’s unique and entertaining voice stems in large part from the range of people she has worked with while developing the Discovery of Self curriculum and teaching populations ranging from Fortune 100 executives and medical professionals to the most seriously emotionally and behaviorally disordered youth and maximum security inmates. This book is a colorful map for multi-dimensional living, as well as a thoughtful systemic response to the many symptoms of current societal breakdown. Youniverse represents a truly holistic, interdisciplinary and cross-cultural synthesis of “consciousness research,” with true stories to illustrate the concepts and theories that so fundamentally challenge many pillars of current thinking.

Youniverse is part Continuum history and part Jane’s story (as the laboratory for DoS), mixed with scientific research and real-life stories of practical applications.

“My pleasureometer went way up reading it. Jane has a great voice and talent as a writer. Youniverse is a bare-bones account of how one’s life can be enriched and transformed by living with integrity, courage and sensitivity to what really matters. Jane Barrash’s journey is a successful search for meaning, purpose and fulfillment. She holds nothing back. As we travel her path with her, we are inspired: If she can make it so can I.” NY Times best-selling author – Larry Dossey, MD

“I have traveled the world with your manuscript in my carry-on and read it over and over and over again.  Your book is inspiring and provocative.  Its style is vivid and alive.  You come across with stunning honesty and sincerity, something very rare.”  Malidoma Some’ PhD – West African Elder and Shaman, author: Of Water and the Spirit and Healing Wisdom of Africa.

“This book is brilliant, inspiring and a pure healing experience.  It’s the best thing I’ve read in a very, very, very long time.  I couldn’t put it down and I can’t recommend it enough.”  Caroline Myss, PhD NY Times best-selling author

“Youniverse is an amazing book. Jane Barrash is a woman of tremendous courage, strength and devotion to her work. Her clarity to the art and science of mind, body and spirit relationship brings tremendous value to anyone reading this book.” Horst Rechelbacher – Founder/president of Intelligent Nutrients, founder, AVEDA

People crave real-life, authentic examples and demonstrations of this responsive universe where you can access the proverbial “other 90%” of brain/mind capacity. Jane presents abstract concepts in a practical and entertaining fashion using many real-life illustrations, Youniverse weaves together many elements to make an engaging and compelling case for a fuller life in the quantum paradigm.