Community Health and Wellspring

A community is as strong and vibrant as its members. Indicators like homelessness, domestic violence, addiction, and other public health-risk behaviors that have reached epidemic proportions reveal the need to more effectively help community members understand new possibilities and their inner resources to move from often seemingly endless adversity into a new universe of opportunity.

Whether a basketball team like the 2013-14 North High Polars, last place in the city at North Minneapolis Community High School (with only 165 students in a building that used to hold 1,200), Vigario Geral, a community in Rio called the worst slum, a large chain like Marriott Hotels, or Plaza Athenee in NY, a single international 5 star boutique hotel, Continuum Center’s Discovery of Self trainings provide necessary information, inspiration, and accessible tools for individual transformation with an engaging common vision. The evolving community then provides reinforcements for shifts set in motion by the training.

The four supervisors we sent to your seminar have had a fundamental shift in how they view themselves in the world and this shift has positively altered how they interact with those who report to them.  As a community of recovery helping addicts and alcoholics achieve long-term sobriety and self-sufficiency, we are all about finding ways to move people to a paradigm of hope and possibility and DoS provides a whole new toolbox”.  Kevin Lynch – President, Rebuild Resources

The shared vision is to create a community that’s about health and success, beating odds and thriving, about sending a message of hope and optimism. This documentary about the Polars transformation illustrates the impact of concepts and strategies, principles and practices of Discovery of Self, as does the participant feedback that follows. True North: Science, Streets and Skating Rinks of Optimism 9 min preview:

“My personal feedback would reflect the feedback I received from the women here. As you know many of them are victims of domestic violence and abuse. Other instances are profound stories of grief and tragedy. With what you explained to them, and what they were able to practice in the way of the techniques, was life changing for them, as I knew it would be…Other patients reported that prior to being exposed to the information you provided, they didn’t really want to stay sober long term necessarily as they could not see a way to experience life without being threatened by intrusive symptoms and/or thoughts. Many reported thereafter that they can make different choices to better engage their present moment for a desired effect and outcome. The time you spent with us was transformational for, from what I understand, all that were present.” Lynda Iglesia 

“The positive responses from the employees that experienced the Discovery of Self program confirmed the importance of our embracing the messages and learning that you shared as they can make a difference in our personal and professional lives.” Chuck Harstad – VP, 3M

Our Discovery of Self trainings  provide a dramatically different – but evidence-based and culturally integrative – view of the brain, mind, and reality than conventional models which have been unable to stem the rising tides of epidemic dysfunctions from school drop-out rates, to violence, addiction, incarceration, and suicide.